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Character set, variables, constants and keywords

Character set:
Character set contains alphabets, numbers, and symbols for representing information. Following set shows characters used in C:



Special Symbols


Variable is an entity which can change or it is a name of the memory location. It should start with only alphabets or underscore. Also called identifiers.
e.g.  int A=10;
consider memory location 1000 in a computer’s memory where 10 value is stored. So we can retrieve or modify value 10 through variable A.
Constant is an entity which cannot change.
e.g. int A=10; 10 is a constant.

Types of constants:
1.Primary Constants
2.Secondary Constants



-32768 to +32767

-3.4e38 to +3.4e38

-128 to 127

Integer constant:
e.g int A=10, B=32768;
In given example, B has value out of range of integer constant so
Float constant:
e.g float f=2.3e+20;

Character constant:
Character constant consist only single alphabet, number or special symbol enclosed in a single inverted comma.
e.g. char A=’3’; 

Keywords are reserved words whose meaning is known to the compiler. Keywords should be in lower case. There are 32 keywords in C language:











  1. Replies
    1. enum is especially used for storing fixed constants. e.g. months of year or days of week

  2. what are the terminator used in c?

    1. We are using semicolon(;) for terminate all statements in C. If considering string i.e. array of character, it is terminated by '\0'. Also array can be terminated by '\0' if you wish but it is not recommended. Important fact is '\0' and 0 is same i.e. ASCII value of '\0' is 0.


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