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Showing posts from October, 2017
Let's start with the history of C Before beginning with programs in C, it would be interested to know the history of it. C language is invented by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT and T in the USA. It is invented in 1972. Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of C language. Initially, C is developed for the UNIX operating system, then it is used in applications. In the late seventies, it replaces more familiar languages like PL/I, ALGOL, etc. C seems so popular is because it is reliable, simple, and easy to use. Moreover, in industry newer languages, technologies come and vanish all day out, a language that is survived for three decades is C.Let's see the programming languages that were developed before the C language. Language  Year  Developed By  Algol  1960  International Group BCPL  1967  Martin Richard  B  1970  Ken Thompson  C  1972  Dennis Ritchie